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marți, 24 martie 2009

How to stack multiple quivers

Wpe ----> Dupe offset (008, S=13,M=14)

How to do:

1. F12 slot is your backpack, put quiver in F11
2. F10, F9 slots need to be free
3. F8 slot is your primal mooncloth bag maked from duped mooncloth
4. Now you are prepared, turn on wpe
5. Put F11 quiver in backpack, than put in mooncloth's last slot to make quiver dissapear
6. Equip another one quiver in F10 slot
7. Relog
8. Now, you have 2 quivers equiped
9. Put quiver from F11 in backpack, than move to primal mooncloth bag to make quiver dissapear
10. Do same with quiver from F10 slot
11. Now put 3th quiver in F9 slot
12. Relog
13. Excelent, 3 quivers
14. Look step 7 and 8, do same with quiver from F9 slot
15. Put primal mooncloth bag now in your backpack
16. Equip last quiver in F8 slot
17. Relog
18. You have 4 quivers equiped

Take a look here

4 comentarii:

Therion spunea...

What should I check in wpe?

XcHeRoL spunea...

I don't understand what you are saying.

Anonim spunea...

where can i get WPE Pro and how do i use it?

Anonim spunea...

Does not this work with 3.0.9??