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luni, 30 martie 2009

Dota 6.60 Info

Dota 6.60 Beta Leaked - Dota Allstars 6.60 Beta Leaked; title says all that Dota 6.60 beta has leaked. Thanks to the anonymous person who leaked the beta map of Dota 6.60. But the problem is Dota 6.60 Beta Map is not available for download, but yeah i got some changelogs and Screenshots of it.

Dota 6.60 Leak Beta 21 Map Changelogs:

* Replace all the heroes tavern into top left of the map
* Now there's 9 tavern:
* Sentinel Strength Tavern, Sentinel Agility Tavern, Sentinel Intelligence Tavern
* Neutrals Strength Tavern, Neutrals Agility Tavern, Neutrals Intelligence Tavern
* Scourge Strength Tavern, Scourge Agility Tavern, Scourge Intelligence Tavern
* Neutrals Hero can be picked by either Scourge or Sentinel
* Add Tauren Chieftain to Sentinel Strength Tavern
* Add Bat Rider to Neutrals Intelligence Tavern
* Hero changes on Razor and Viper
* Viper 2nd skill was remade
* There are 2 new item.
* One item is the upgrade item from magic stick + 2 x gg brach = Magic Wand

I will post more changelogs of Dota 6.60 soon!

Dota 6.60 Leak Beta 21 Screenshots/Pictures:

New Intelligence Hero Batrider IceFrog didn't say anything about it , but we've got a big leak.

New Taverns look as IceFrog asked on his blog about Dota 6.60 Taverns

and here comes the Tauren Chieftain, IceFrog revealed about this hero, is going the coolest hero in Dota community. And this hero is placed in Sentinel Side.

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