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vineri, 8 mai 2009

Meta gems in all sockets

1. Download CheatEngine at Cheat Engine
2. Figure out which Meta Gem you want to put in all sockets.
3. Goto Wowhead: Preventing wipes since 2006. and get the ID from the URL.
4. Target Wow.exe.
5. Buy a couple of the Metas you want to put in the sockets.
6. Search the metas ID
7. Highlight and bring down all the values that come up excluding the ones that come up in green.
8. Highlight and change all values to a random gem that isn't unique or a meta.
9. Insert them into your gear.
10. Go back to CheatEngine and change back the ID's, go back ingame and your done.

Please tell me the realm where this exploit didn't work by leaving a comment.
Thanks !

Credits : PlayerH

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