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duminică, 12 aprilie 2009

Gold Hack,1 hit 1 kill, spell hack !

This is for Emulated servers ONLY.

Tools required:
Basic Knowlege of WPE
Permedit.exe (permissions editor to allow WPE to target WoW)
Calc.exe (in Scientific Mode)

Note: You must use Permedit.exe on WPE Pro to allow it to target WoW before doing any of these hacks.

Gold Hack:
Step 1. Create a character.
Step 2. In the noob zone (deathknell, northshire, etc) find one of the quests that's like "speak with this person"
Step 3. Look up the quest ID via thottbot. (Search for the quest you have accepted in Thottbot, and look at the URL. It will look like; Error! - Thottbot: World of Warcraft. xxxx are numbers, and that is the quest id.)
Step 4. Use Calc.exe to change the Quest ID to hex form. Make sure the calculator is in S cientific Mode, and in Decimal mode. Type in the quest ID, then hit HEX mode. That is the hex form.
Step 5. Open WPE and open wow.exe with it.
Step 6. Go to filters, in slot 15 and 16 type in the reverse hex value of the quest id (if your hex is like 5A 83 you would put it in WPE as 83 5a)
Step 7. Under the 15 and 16 (in modify) put in: 29 23
This is the GM Gold Quest.
Step 8. hit apply and turn the filter on
step 9. talk to the quest guy for the noob quest you looked up. accept the GM Gold Quest.
Step 10. turn off your filter and accept the actual quest
Step 11. run to the guy the noob quest tells you to talk to
Step 12. ***IMPORTANT*** Click the guy and go to the screen that you can hit "Complete" at. If you have to press Continue then do it.
Step 13. Turn your filter on. Hit complete. Enjoy 100k gold.

To repeat:
1. Turn on Filter, talk to him again and accept GM Gold Quest.
2. turn off filter, click guy, go to screen where it says 'complete', turn on filter, complete.
Tools required:
A Character that has a Mana pool (No Warriors / Rogues)
All requirements listed above.

1 Hit Kill / Spell Hack

Download: RapidShare Webhosting + Webspace
Note: Virus Scanners will detect WPE. Don't worry about it, it's NOT A TROJAN.
Video and readme.txt is included. This is much like the quest hack, all you are doing is switching one spell to be another.
05 00 - Instant kill
FF 4F - AoE spell that does around 7000 dam
93 5A - It does 2000+ dam to EVERYTHING you see (enemies that is) Very good spell for leveling up
7D 42 - Entangling roots
DE 30 - Choose someone and it teleports him/her to Azshara underground and he/she will keep falling underground.. (GM has to teleport him out) but if you use it on GM's its really fun
96 3F = Flurry [+20 attack Speed]
97 3F = --//-- +25
98 3F = --//-- +30
7D 1F = [Learn] zzOLDLightning Shock [rank 1]
80 1F = Sleep
82 1F = [Curse] Shrink [Reduced STA, STR]
83 1F = [Magic] Party Time!
D5 32 = Shadow Cool glow
15 2D = Green firework
1F 4D = [Learn] Blessing of Wisdom [rank 1]
20 4D = zzOLDSeal of Light
21 4D = [Learn]zzOLDSeal of Light [rank 1]
22 4D = Pala Glow biggrin.gif
28 4D = Suicide
29 4D = Divine Intervention
2A 4D = [Learn] Divine Intervention
1F 4A = Summon imp glow
01 02 = [Minion] Earth Elemental
02 02 = [Learn] zzOLDFeebleming II
03 02 = [Learn] Lesser invisibillity
06 02 = [Learn] zzOLDSwiftness
2D 02 = [Learn] Lightning Shield [rank 2]
2E 02 = [Leran] Purge [rank 1] [Buff remover shamy ]
2F 02 = Exsorcism
3A 02 = [Learn] Far Sigh
3B 02 = [learn] Abolish disease
3E 02 = [Learn] zzOLDRedeption
3F 02 = [Learn] zzOLDUnyielding Will [rank 2]
40 02 = [Learn] Feral Spirit (? summon ?)
41 02 = [Learn] Astral Recall [Shamy recall ]
42 02 = [Buff] Black wolf [speed +60%]
43 02 = [Buff] Red wolf [speed +100%]
44 02 = [Summon Mount] Large Timber Wolf
45 02 = [Buff] Winter wolf [speed +60%]
4A 02 = [Buff] fade
4C 02 = [Buff] Inner Fire
4E 02 = [Buff] zzOLDHoly Word: Might
50 02 = [Buff] zzOLDHoly Word: Shield
53 02 = [Mass Buff] Peayer of Protection
54 02 = [Mass Heal] Prayer of Heal
57 02 = [Buff] zzOLDHoly Word: Might [4E 02]
58 02 = [Buff] zzOLDHoly Word: Shield [50 02]
5A 02 = [Buff] Inner Fire Better then [4C 02]
5B 02 = [Emo] Poison Self Skull
5D 02 = [Cast] Mind Control
5E 02 = [Emo] Mind Rot [Self]
61 02 = [Learn] Inner Fire [Rank 1]
62 02 = [Learn] Shadow Ward: Pain [rank 1]
63 02 = [Learn] Blessinf of Sacridice [rank 1]
66 02 = [Learn] zzOLDShadow Word: Fuble [Rank 1]
67 02 = [Learn] Dispel Magic [Rank 1]
68 02 = [Learn] Shadow Ward: Pain [rank 2]
69 02 = [Learn] zzOLDPrayer of Protection
6A 02 = [Learn] Prayer of Heal [rank 1]
6D 02 = [Learn] Healing Stream Totem [rank 1]
71 02 = [Learn] Curse of Doom
72 02 = [Learn] zzOLDDominance Aura [Rank 3] [8D 02]
73 02 = [Learn] Mind Control [rank 1]
81 02 = [Buff] zzOLDSeal of fire
82 02 = [Buff] Divine Shield
83 02 = [Mass] Pala Blue Cross
84 02 = [Buff] zzOLDSeal of Fortitude III
85 02 = Pala Cross
86 02 = [Buff] zzOLDSeal of Light III
88 02 = [Buff] zzOLDBlessing of Reckoning
89 02 = [Mass] fast cross glow
8A 02 = [Learn] zzOLDBlood Boil [rank 1] 6207
8C 02 = [Learn] Sap [rank 1]
8D 02 = [Learn] zzOLDDominance Aura [Rank 1] [72 02]
8F 02 = [Learn] zzOLDBlood Boil [rank 2] 6208
91 02 = [Learn] zzOLDCreate Greater Healingstone
92 02 = [Learn] zzOLDinvisibility Totem [rank 1]
93 02 = [Learn] Devine Shield [rank 1]
94 02 = zzOLDBlessing of Righteouness [rank 1]
95 02 = [Learn] zzOLDBlood Boil [rank 3] 6209
96 02 = [Learn] zzOLDDominance Aura [Rank 2] [72 02]
00 03 = [Form] Alliance Cat form [Dru]
06 03 = [Buff] Rejuvination
07 03 = [Form] tree form
08 03 = [Buff] Abolish magic
0D 03 = [Emo] Spin like heroic strike
0F 03 = [Buff] Travel Form
0E 03 = [Buff] Thorns
10 03 = [Learn] Faerie Fire [rank 1]
11 03 = [Learn] zzOLDCharm Beast
12 03 = [Learn] Thorns [rank 1]
13 03 = [Learn] zzOLDSlow Poison
14 03 = [Learn] Rejuvination [rank 1]
15 03 = [Learn] zzOLDDivine Escape (NYI)
16 03 = [Learn] Entagling Roots [rank 1]
17 03 = [Learn] Abolish Magic [rank 1]
18 03 = [Learn] Tranquility [rank 1]
19 03 = [Learn] Faerie Fire [rank 2]
1A 03 = [Learn] Disengage [rank 1]
1B 03 = [Learn] Thorns [rank 2]
1D 03 = [Learn] Cleave [rank 1]
1E 03 = [Learn] Challengimg Shout
26 03 = [Buff] / [DeBuff] Fevor
2C 03 = [Heal] zzOLDBandage
36 03 = [Buff] magic resistance
37 03 = [Buff] natural resistance
3B 03 = [Buff] Nightmare Riding
09 06 = [Learn] zzOLD
33 2C = [Spawn] Fire nova totem
32 2E = [Buff] Static Barrier
22 05 = [Learn] zzOLDSpirit Armor [rank 3]
15 14 = [Emo] Hot Hit
15 15 = [Learn][Item] Death Capsule
16 15 = [Learn] Claw Clover
19 15 = [Cast] Lizard Bolt [self]
68 16 = [Learn] Curse of Tongues [rank 1]
98 16 = [Summon Mount] Fel Steed
D2 2C = [Potion Buff] Shadow Power
D9 2C = [Mob DMG] TWEEP
FF 2C = [Summon] Succubus
55 2C = [Potion Buff] Armor
48 3C = [AOE Cast] Holy Nova [DMG]
77 2E = [Heal] Healing Wave of Amtu'sul
27 2E = [Cast] Detonation
05 00 = Suicide
2B 00 = [Buff] Bersek
35 0B = [Learn] zzOLDResist Fire [rank 2]
CC 05 = [Learn] zzOLDBurning Int.
CC 14 = [Buff] zzOLD Frost DMG Bonus
05 02 = [Learn] zzOLDShadow Word: Fuble [Rank 2]
05 02 = [Buff] zzOLDNature DMG Bonus
04 04 = [Buff] zzOLDSeal of Light IV
04 05 = [Learn] Dispel Magic [rank 2]
06 04 = [Buff] zzOLDSeal of Fire II
06 07 = [Emo] High Kick
06 08 = [Heal] heal :-/
2B 4B = [Heal]Desperate Prayer LvL 7
78 1B = [Learn] zzOLDSniper Shot [rank 4]
7B 1B = [Buff] Goblin race cheer
88 1B = [Buff] Forsaken Skill : Defence
89 1B = [Buff] Forsaken Skill : Fire
31 1B = [Buff] Knockdown Proc
14 07 = [Buff] zzOLDEvasive Slash
C9 07 = [Learn] zzOLDDizzy Shot
C9 08 = [Buff] zzOLDFire DMG Bonus [OLD]
AE 4C = [Cast] Cone of Fire [Mega DMG ]
B4 4C = [Cast][Buff] Fire Blossom [Super]
BD 4C = [Buff] Anti-Magic Shield
C7 4C = [Buff] Tainted Blood
FF 4F = Armageddon
93 5A = Frost Burn
05 00 = death touch [only for target ]

Plate Armor = C5 1B
Death Touch = 05 00
Armageddon = FF 4F
War Stomp (Tauren skill) = 45 50

Made by Rick @ Nexodyne Forums

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

lol , please fix the link of "http://rapidshare.de/files/8678951/...t_kill.rar.html" ,

Blogger spunea...

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